It’s so cute when cats steal pizza or dogs beg for table scraps but feeding your pet human food is a minefield of hazards. Aside from the fact that human food often causes gastrointestinal upset, vomiting and diarrhea, some human food is toxic (and even fatal) to cats and dogs.
According to the Cornell Feline Health Center, cats cannot tolerate certain foods and those foods may prove deadly to your feline friend. These foods include:
Anything containing xylitol
These foods are as deadly to dogs as they are to cats. Healthy treats for dogs include apples, pumpkin, and carrots. Dogs may get small amounts of meat as long as it is cooked and not overly seasoned.
Before giving a lick of anything like yogurt or ice cream, check that it is not sweetened with xylitol, an artificial sweetener found in many human foods.
It really is best to stick to treats meant for dogs and cats in order to avoid accidental poisonings. For more information on the subject here are two websites that we like: