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Spay & Neuter: The Compassionate Choice for a Healthier Pet Community


Spay Neuter Save Network began its mission to provide high-quality, high-volume spay/neuter services to the community in 2022. The plan was to open in Bradford County, but a broken water main at our building on Route 220 in Ulster PA changed our direction.

Thanks to Laura Clarson of the Tioga County Cat Project, we were encouraged to just pack up our equipment and travel to towns such as Wellsboro, Mansfield, and Elkland for cat Trap Neuter Return clinics. We set up surgery in community centers and fire halls and altered cats all day. We still do this twice a month.

Our temporary home in Waverly NY brought us a new following of pet lovers. There, we added dog alterations and non-routine surgeries such as enucleations, mass removals, and many more. We also were able to purchase a dental machine.

October 2023 brought what we had been waiting for - a building in our home-county of Bradford. We are now located in Rome PA. We have more room to work here, allowing us to help even more animals. Two veterinarians and a dedicated medical staff work hard to ensure the safety and health of all animals in our care.

The question we are most often asked is, “How can you offer surgeries at such low prices?” Our fees are reduced compared to private practice vet prices, but that would be comparing apples to oranges. It isn’t that veterinary pricing is outrageously high - Veterinarians must pay their rent and staff like us, but because we are a nonprofit we have access to donation revenue streams, helping us to fund the clinic. We rely on these sources to continue working toward our mission.

Our Mission

The Mission of the Spay Neuter Save Network is to help ensure the best quality of life possible for animals in shelters/rescues, community cats, and pets owned by those with financial hardship in the Twin Tiers region by providing veterinary care tailored for these populations, because no animal should suffer from lack of access to care, and nobody should have to choose to give up their beloved family member because of lack of access to care.

Our clinic is located at:
1355 Main Street
Rome, PA 18837

Spay Neuter Save Stories

Donate to SNSN and see stories about how we use that money to save lives.


Foods That Poison Pets

It’s so cute when cats steal pizza or dogs beg for table scraps but feeding your pet human food is a minefield of hazards. Aside from the fact that human food often causes gastrointestinal upset, vomiting and diarrhea, some human food is toxic (and even fatal) to cats and dogs.

According to the Cornell Feline Health Center, cats cannot tolerate certain foods and those foods may prove deadly to your feline friend. These foods include:





Anything containing xylitol


These foods are as deadly to dogs as they are to cats...

Dogs Rule

Some people don’t know that we love dogs as much as we love cats. We provide surgeries for dogs big and small, short- and long-nosed, friendly and even difficult to handle. We care for them all.

Below is a list of prices for both dog spay and neuter. The prices are based on weight according to our scale.

Dog Spay 0-25 pounds $200.00

Dog Spay 26-50 pounds $225.00

Dog Spay 51-75 pounds $250.00

Dog Spay 76-100 pounds $275.00

Dog Spay >100 pounds $300.00

Stomach Tack (if needed) $150...

Testicular Cancer In Dogs

While testicular tumors are rare in cats, they are the most common tumor in older intact male dogs. Of these, interstitial cell tumors (ICTs) are the most common (about 50% of cases). These tumors are small and benign. About 24% are found to be seminomas, cancerous tumors that effect mostly the testicles but can affect other sites. Sertoli cell tumors (about 18% of cases) release estrogen and can cause feminization of the male dog and anemia among other signs. In rare cases, Sertoli cell tumors are malignant and can spread to the lymph nodes surrounding the urinary tract...

Linear Foreign Bodies in Cats

Everyone knows that dogs eat things they are not supposed to like toys, clothing and the stuffings of comforters, but cats also can get into trouble when left alone with the wrong objects.

Swallowed string, yarn, and elastic can become linear foreign bodies that are life-threatening and require surgery to remove. This type of foreign body happens when one end of the object is anchored in the upper GI while the other end travels down the lower GI along with food and feces.

Sometimes the offending string or yarn gets tied around the tongue or frenulum, which is under the tongue, while the rest of the object is swallowed...

Post-Surgical Complications: Seromas

Post Surgical Complications - Seromas

One of the most common post-surgical complications in cats and dogs are seromas, a collection of fluid under the skin near the surgical site. This fluid is clear and uninfected, and is caused usually by excessive activity during the healing period. Sometimes they are caused by a reaction to the suture used.

A seroma looks like a small to medium sized bump near the surgery site. It is soft (filled with fluid) and not hot to the touch. The fluid pocket may be emptied or even surgically repaired by your vet, but most often the fluid is absorbed by the body with rest...

Pyometra And Mammary Tumors In Dogs And Cats

Not all intact cats and dogs develop pyometra or mammary tumors, but the risk is relatively high.

Studies have shown that pyometra, a serious and life-threatening infection of the uterus, is considered common among intact female dogs and cats starting around the age of 9 months. Owners may not notice anything is wrong until the animal is very sick, especially if it is a “closed pyo.” If it is an “open pyo” the owner may notice pus draining from the vulva. Cats, fastidious cleaners, are harder to identify that way...

Why We Spay Pregnant Cats

Cats are prolific breeders, able to get pregnant at six months, with some experiencing their first pregnancy as young as four months. Their gestational period lasts 62 days and they can get pregnant again while nursing a litter, which makes it nearly impossible to catch them without kittens for a spay procedure.

The ideal time to spay a momma cat is when her kittens are just weaned (4-6 weeks after she’s given birth and the kittens are eating wet food). She may already be pregnant again, but the cycle must be broken in order to curb overpopulation...

April Showers Bring May Kittens and Puppies

Now that kitten and puppy season is here, some may wonder, “When can I get my critters altered?”

Kittens must be three months old and weigh three pounds. Kittens go into their first heat cycle around six months, but some can experience their first heat at around four months.

Puppies must be four months or older.

The price for kittens is the same as adult cats - $90/kitten, which includes vaccines and flea treatment.

The price for puppies is the same as adult dogs and is determined by weight...

February Is Both Pet Dental Health Month and Spay/Neuter Awareness Month!

Dental health is as important to pets as it is to their humans. Dental disease can lead to systemic illness, pain and loss of appetite. At Spay Neuter Save Network, cleanings (scaling and polishing) cost $150. Tooth extractions are $25/tooth. Incisors and deciduous (baby) teeth are free. The cost of a dental procedure has been capped at $350. This includes anesthesia, nerve blocks and pain meds. Take home medications may be extra.

There has been a lot of talk about the early Spring and cats already having kittens...

Spay and Neuter

Understanding Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures that prevent pets, particularly cats and dogs, from reproducing. Spaying is the removal of the ovaries and usually the uterus in female pets, while neutering is the removal of the testicles in male pets.

Why Spay or Neuter Your Pet?

Health Benefits

  • In Females: Reduces the risk of uterine infections and breast tumors.
  • In Males: Prevents testicular cancer and prostate problems.

Behavioral Improvements

  • Decreases aggression in males...
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